威尼斯人平台 welcomes individuals with disabilities to be an integral part of the university community. 确保威尼斯人官网, 并根据1990年《威尼斯人平台》第三章, 《威尼斯人官网》, 以及1973年康复法案第504条, 威尼斯人平台 provides reasonable accommodations and support services to qualified individuals with disabilities.
无障碍服务(AS)为学生提供个性化的服务, 教员/员工, 以及其他有残疾需要的社区成员. 服务范围包括, 学者, 住房, 就业, 设备可威尼斯人官网性, 以及与残疾有关的社会/个人问题. Individuals with disabilities who wish to receive services from AS are responsible for disclosing their disability to AS and should complete the registration process at least 6 weeks prior to the desired start date for most services.
- 高年级的学生
2024年2月14日(首次申请截止日期) - 一年级学生、转学学生和复读学生
- 高年级的学生
2024年11月6日 - 一年级学生、转学学生和复读学生
No, 但如果个人希望得到住宿, 他们必须注册无障碍服务. 看到 注册过程.
No, 但如果学生想利用他们的住宿, 他们应该每学期将PDF格式的住宿信(由AS提供)通过电子邮件发送威尼斯人平台教授.
不,如果你觉得没有他们你也能同样成功,你就不必这么做. 但是,请记住,如果你需要他们,他们就在那里.
学生可提交 医疗专业伤残证明及住宿推荐表格 (PDF)由其医疗保健提供者填写或传达类似信息的文档. 看到 文档的指导方针 欲知详情.
学生只需要在无障碍服务中心注册一次就可以获得学术住宿. 如果学生的情况有任何变化, 尽快联系,讨论他们的需求.
Contact AS as soon as possible and the office will collaborate with the student and faculty to ensure accommodations are being provided.
如果你觉得住宿是一个实施的障碍, 改变课程或项目的核心价值, 或者觉得住宿不能有效地实施, 尽快与无障碍服务部门安排会议,讨论有关问题. All assigned accommodations must be provided until such time as it is altered through mutual understanding reached through this interactive process.
工作人员将询问学生残疾的性质和影响, 过去的住宿, 以及任何与残疾有关的障碍. AS values a collaborative process while working with students to determine reasonable and appropriate accommodations.
《威尼斯人平台》(ADA)于7月26日签署成为法律, 1990, 乔治·H总统.W. 布什. The ADA is one of America's most comprehensive pieces of civil rights legislation that prohibits discrimination and guarantees that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else to participate in the mainstream of American life -- to enjoy 就业 opportunities, 购买商品和服务, 参与州和地方政府的项目和服务. 以1964年民权法案为蓝本, 哪条禁止基于种族的歧视, color, 宗教, 性, or national origin – 以及1973年康复法案第504条 -- the ADA is an "equal opportunity" law for people with disabilities.”
“俄亥俄州残疾人的机会 (OOD) is the State of Ohio agency that empowers Ohioans with disabilities through 就业, 残疾的决定, 和独立. 该机构与企业合作, 教育, 以及非营利组织,以促进俄亥俄州残疾人的个性化就业计划. OOD训练有素的专业员工帮助俄亥俄州的公司招聘和留住残疾员工.”
“工作住宿网(JAN)是免费工作的主要来源, 专家, 以及关于工作场所和残疾人就业问题的保密指导. 为美国和世界各地的客户服务超过35年, JAN提供免费的一对一的工作住宿解决方案的实践指导和技术援助, 《威尼斯人平台》(ADA)第一章及相关立法, 为残疾人提供自主创业和创业的选择. JAN提供个性化咨询,以协助:
雇主 and their representatives seeking guidance on practical ways to engage in the interactive process, 提供就业住宿解决方案, 并遵守《威尼斯人官网》第一章;
有医疗条件和残疾的个人寻求有关工作住宿解决方案的信息, 《威尼斯人官网》规定的就业权利, and self-就业 and entrepreneurship opportunities; and
家庭成员及康复, 医疗, 教育, and other professionals in their effort to support successful 就业 outcomes for individuals with 医疗 conditions and disabilities.”
请你的为患有注意力缺陷多动症的儿童和成人提供理解、教育、宣传和支持. Their website includes resources such as an information library and fact sheets with infographics as well as information directed specifically towards adults, 父母和看护人, 教育工作者, 和专业人士. 也有针对成人的培训, 在老师和家长的指导下,他们可以学习同龄人开发的课程.
“ADDA is a worldwide inclusive community of supportive 注意力缺陷多动症 adults who make it possible to thrive with 注意力缺陷多动症 in today’s world. We are building a culture that celebrates 注意力缺陷多动症 and empowers our members to discover and reach their potential. 我们支持患有多动症的成年人, 提供一个温馨和安全的环境, 提供可靠的信息, 鼓励创新方法和示范注意力缺陷多动症最佳做法.”
“ADAA专注于改善焦虑患者的生活质量, 抑郁症, 强迫症, 创伤后应激障碍和伴发障碍通过对这些障碍的教育. ADAA帮助人们找到治疗、资源和支持. 每年有来自世界各地的1100多万人威尼斯人官网ADAA的网站. ADAA promotes scientific innovation and engages a diverse network of basic and clinical anxiety and 抑郁症 researchers and providers encouraging the implementation of new treatments to clinicians. 这些承诺促使ADAA承诺寻找新的治疗方法,并有一天预防和治愈这些疾病. 我们的热情是帮助人们了解这些疾病,找到治疗方法,并康复. ADAA以多元化和包容性为核心价值. 我们改变了焦虑症和抑郁症患者的生活. 我们通过科学、治疗和教育的结合来提供帮助.”
成立于1921年, the 美国盲人基金会 has spent nearly a century ensuring that individuals who are blind or visually impaired have access to the information, 技术, 教育, 以及他们独立和富有成效的生活所需的法律资源. 从他们最开始的时候, 它们放大了视力丧失者的声音, and have been the engine of advancement and opportunity for every person affected by blindness or vision loss.”
美国盲人协会成立于1940年11月16日,旨在“促进盲人的经济和社会福利”.” The self-advocacy toolkit provides resources for students who are seeking a better working knowledge of accommodations and their legal rights in institutions of higher learning. 它提供了一个基础,将帮助盲人学生为自己辩护, 教育教职员工, 应对挑战, 为他们在大学环境中的成功而努力. 此工具包欢迎对其他内容提供反馈和建议.
The NDC began in 2017 and is a technical assistance and dissemination center under the US Department of 教育. Their website provides information to better understand the needs and accommodations necessary for Deaf/Hard of Hearing students to succeed in the university setting. Real-world examples and references to laws and regulations allow for a better working knowledge of what is important for Deaf/Hard of Hearing individuals to have equal opportunity and access in postsecondary institutions.
NAD成立于1880年,是一个非营利性的民权组织, 由美国聋人/听障人士编写并为其提供的.S. NAD的宣传范围涉及早期干预领域, 教育, 就业, 卫生保健, 技术, 电信, 青年领袖, 和更多的. 在国际方面, 美国聋人协会代表美国参加世界聋人联合会。, 一个国际人权组织. Individual and organizational membership makes it possible for the NAD to ensure that the collective interests of the American deaf and hard of hearing community are seen and represented among our nation’s policy makers and opinion leaders at the federal level.”
“The 听力损失医疗专业人员协会 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that serves thousands of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing healthcare professionals and students worldwide. 自2000年以来, they have connected deaf and hard of hearing healthcare professionals around the world and provided support in the form of advocacy and mentorship.该网站还提供了有关透明口罩和放大听诊器的具体信息."
麻省药学院 & 健康科学
“在医务人员之间提供有效和清晰的沟通, a number of tools are available to assist 医疗 professionals with providing effective communication strategies with folks that have a hearing loss. 本指南还为医疗专业人员提供了解聋人文化和识别资源的信息.”
“LDA设想了一个学习障碍被普遍理解的世界, 所以所有个体都被接受, 支持, 并且有能力过自己决定的生活. LDA’s mission is to create opportunities for success for all individuals affected by learning disabilities through support, 教育, 和宣传. LDA促进预防, 促进对最佳实践的研究, 鼓励识别, 支持干预, 并保护权利.”
LD资源基金会有限公司. is a non-profit organization founded in 2001 (under IRS section 501(c)) that helps find solutions to those who are affected by specific learning disabilities, 阅读障碍和多动症. 我们为这些成年人提供资源, 青少年和儿童, 还有他们的父母和教育工作者, 特别注重低收入家庭的需要. 我们的使命是提供信息, 激励和帮助有学习障碍的人, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (注意力缺陷多动症) by providing access to invaluable resources and tools designed to help them overcome barriers and positively impact their daily literacy journey.